Hawaiian Company Name
1102-23 Kamehameha Highway
Pearl City, Oahu, Hawaii 96734
Phone: (808)555-1234
Fax: (808)555-5678
Web Site:http://www.Hawaiian-Company-Name.com
E-mail: info@Hawaiian-Company-Name.com
Here you can give a complete descrption of your business. List your rates, ammenities, location, give your customers directions to your business, tell your customers where the beach is, what's HOT about your location. Be as descriptive as you want, this is your advetising space!!! Restaruants, send us your menu to be posted, tell customers about the types of food you serve, describe the atmosphere etc. INFORMATIONAL UPDATES are done on a monthly basis, and are COMPLETELY FREE!!! If anything changes, drop us a line, and it will refresh your data at our next monthly update. FREE LISTINGS IN ANY OTHER RELEVANT CATAGORIES!!! ONLY $50.00 YEARLY!!!
Hawaiian Travel Guide Free Listing